Business communication

Business communication

Advantage And Disadvantages of downward communication


Downward communication benefits the organization in many different ways. Through this communication, superior provide necessary information and directives to the subordinates. The major advantages of downward communication are highlighted below:

  1. Delegating authority and responsibility: Delegation means entrusting the subordinates with some responsibilities along with due authority. It is essential to make the subordinates capable in performing their jobs. Since downward communication starts form higher level, it helps mangers in delegating authority and responsibility to the right persons.
  2. Marinating discipline: Downward communication occurs in conformity with officially recognized rules and regulations. So it helps in establishing official discipline in the organization.
  3. Increasing efficiency: Downward communication provides necessary guidance, orders, instructions and explanations of various complex issues to the subordinates that ultimately increase the efficiency of the employees.
  4. Informing organizational plans and procedures: In an organization, the top-level executives develop the plans, policies, strategies, procedures etc. downward communication plays a significant role in communicating those plans, policies, strategies’ and procedures to the lower levels of the organization.
  5. Explaining the complex issues: Sometimes subordinates need explanation of organizational policies and procedures. In such situations, managers rely on downward communication to provide necessary explanations and analysis.
  6. Issuing orders and instructions: Downward communication is the only means to circulate various orders, instructions, guidance and advices to the subordinates. Without downward communication, organization is like a boat without boatman.
  7. Avoiding by-passing of hierarchy: Downward communication takes place by following the established chain of command of the organization. Thus, it reduces the chance of sending message to someone through by-passing the immediate subordinate.
  8. Maintaining good labor-management relationship: Downward communication helps to create and maintain good labor-management relationship in the organization. When top-level executives communicate with their subordinates sincerely and courteously, it develops good interpersonal and inter-group relationships between management and works. In turn, this will motivate the employees and ensure good labor management relation in the organization.
In conclusion we can say that Downward communication ties together the entire organization and ensures the achievement of organizational goals.


Though downward communication provides many advantages to the organization, it is not free limitations. Its main limitations or disadvantages are discussed below:

  1. Time consuming: Downward communication is a delayed process. In this communication, information flows through different levels of hierarchy. As a result, when information reaches to the lower level workers, it may have lost its significance or utility.
  2. Distortion of information: Downward communication also suffers form problem of distortion of message. People have the tendency to modify or manipulate information. Therefore, information is passed from one individual to another or form one level to another, authenticity of information is lost.
  3. Lack of explanation: In most cases, downward communication contains messages without necessary explanation and clarification. For this reason, subordinates fail to understand the message accurately.
  4. Deterioration of relationship: Heavy reliance on downward communication also deteriorates labor-management relationship. Because, it does not provide any scope of direct communication between them.
  5. Lack of feedback: Absence of feedback is another major drawback of downward communication. The top-level executives usually place little or no importance to the messages received from subordinates. Superiors hardly seek feedback from the subordinates. Due to negligence of the superiors, subordinates also seldom send feedback. As a result, communication becomes ineffective.
  6. Lack of enthusiasm: Managers send orders instructions and advices to the subordinates through downward communication. This form of communication energizes and activates the employees. Therefore, delay in the downward flow of information adversely affects the enthusiasm of the employees.
  7. Creation of frustration: Downward communication is directive in nature. This type of communication hardly allows the subordinates to discuss any matter with their superiors. Moreover, the subordinates are compelled to follow the orders and instructions of the superiors. Such coercion creates frustration in the mind of the employees.
From the above discussion, it appears that downward communication is not always effective and successful. Therefore, along with downward communication, managers should use other forms of communication.

·      Advantages and disadvantages of upward communication


  1. Development of plan: The information received from subordinate plays important role to help development of planning of the organization.
  2. Providing suggestions and opinions: By upward communication system, subordinate takes necessary suggestions and opinions from superiors about the work related issues of the organization.
  3. Motivating to employees: Upward communication system allows lower level staff to express their attitude or opinion to upper level staff. As a result sub-ordinates are influenced to work more towards fulfillment to target.
  4. Providing constructive suggestion: All employees are supplied with constructive and important messages that can help to implement the goals or objectives.
  5. Good labor-management relationshipUpward communication I participative in nature. Here, information is invited from lower level executives and employees and on the basis of this information top executive makes a decision. So, a good relation between subordinates and bosses should create for the betterment of the organization.
  6. Providing feedback: The subordinate’s reaction is returned to the superior in this communication system. So, top level management can decide what to do and what not do clearly understand and followed.
  7. Creating favorable environment: Upward communication helps to develop a favorable working situation in an organization by creating a good relation among all employees.
  8. Promote harmony: Upward communication creates friendly environment in the organization which lead to peaceful and harmonious relationship among the subordinates and superiors.
  9. Decision making: Top level executives or superiors needed much information before taking a decision on a particular issue. Subordinates supply this information through the help of upward communication.
  10. Developing creative and innovative ideas: Upward communication facilitates easy excess of the employees or subordinate to the superiors in providing necessary constructive suggestions and opinions about the work related issues of the organization.
  11. Facilitating collective decision: Since upward communication is participative in nature. It communication allows the subordinates to convey their feelings, constructive suggestions and opinions and the work related in the decision making process.


In spite of having many advantages upward communication it is not free from limitations of disadvantages. The main disadvantages of upward communication are as follows:

  1. Changes of information: In upward communication subordinates may change their accurate information. So, top executive cannot take accurate decision.
  2. Unwillingness: Sometimes subordinates don’t send the information to their superior willingly. So, communication system may be disrupted.
  3. Fear of inefficiency: The main problem of the upward communication is fair to superiors. Generally superiors make a question about the employees work position and efficiency. Many employees fear to communicate and share their ideas, constructive suggestions and opinions with the superiors.
  4. Indiscipline: Sometimes employees communicate directly to superior by avoiding proper channel or chain of command. Here disciplines are not properly maintained.
  5. Bypassing: In the process of upward communication, sometimes workers directly approach the top most authority with their suggestions or by passing their immediate boss. This is harmful to any organization.
  6. Flattery: In order to convince the superior bosses, subordinates can take the help of flattery and for this reason subordinates may conceal the true and provide incomplete information to top level.
  7. Lake of initiative: Generally subordinate is reluctant to take the initiative to upward communication for different reason.
  8. Risk of distortion of messages: In upward communication, subordinates willingly distort the message because they fear if they tell the original fact to their bosses, they may face some problems.
  9. Delay: It is an important limitation of upward communication is the long and slow movement of information to the higher authority.
  10. Supervisor’s negligence: Sometimes top level executives discourage the upward flow of information and neglect the constructive suggestions and opinions about the work related issues of the organization.

·      Advantages and disadvantages of Horizontal communication

Advantages or Merits or Importance of Horizontal communication and disadvantages of Horizontal communication. The communication which is occurring among same status people or parallel status level groups within the same departments or across departments is called horizontal communication. The following advantages of horizontal communication exist:


  • Informal and sweet relationship: This is same status level’s communication system. They exchange ideas, knowledge and thoughts. So, an informal and sweet relationship can be maintained.
  • Co-ordination of activities: For the achievements of the expected result of an organization inter departmental co-ordination system must be developed which is a criteria of horizontal communication.
  • Departmental communication: Horizontal communication is the best system of communication in departmental communication.
  • End of misunderstanding: There is no chance of misunderstanding in horizontal communication among employees. So, it is helpful to management for enhancing mutual understanding and good decision making.
  • Hindering bureaucracy: No change of a rise bureaucracy in Horizontal communication running organization which is helpful to make a good relationship among themselves.
  • Dynamism at work: If horizontal communication is established in organizational dynamism at work will increase among workers.
  • Group activities: IN this system of communication a department is well known to other department and can exchange their affection. So, group activities and direction of the sound work program will be easier.
  • Quick communication and solution of problems: Horizontal communication allows quick transmission of messages and solves complex problems in the organization.
  • Linking with different areas of expertise: science same level of employees exchange information in this communication, they create good link with different areas of expertise.
  • Guarding against distortion message: Horizontal communication takes place among the employees of the same level, information reaches directly from one employee or executive to another which acts as a guard against distortion messages.

Horizontal communication has not only some advantages but also some disadvantages which are followed:

·         Overloaded by information: Since information is less filtered in horizontal communication, one must sort through a greater amount of data which may lead to overload.
·         Wastage of time: Such communication involves excessive sorting of data which can kill the useful and valuable time of superiors.
·         Positional problem: For positional problem, horizontal communication must fail to fulfill the organization’s goal.
·         Lack of understanding: For lack of understanding among employees this communication may not be successful.
·         Procedural problem: Sometimes horizontal communication disrupted for procedural problem.
·         Damn-care: It takes place between equal ranking staffs. So damn-care spirit is likely to be encouraged because of unclear channels and rules of interaction.
·         Over specialization: Specialization is a problem that often happens when organizations do not have uniformity within departments, causing communication difficulties. Specialization can occur with procedures or vocabulary used by different departments. When this occurs organizations have trouble functioning properly and do not run smoothly.
·         Lack of motivation: Horizontal communication often fails simply because organization members are unwilling to expend the additional effort that it requires. It may require contact with people in units and the channels and rules of interaction may be unclear. Sometimes we do not really know these people. The need to communicate with them makes us uneasy or takes too much time.
·         Rivalry: Rivalry within organizations occurs for example when the different levels of an organization fail to cooperate with one another.
·         Ignoring vertical communication: In horizontal communication same level of organizational members are contacted or exchange information with each other. Most of the cases they do not inform managers of the hierarchy which break down or ignore the vertical communication.
·         Low productivity: Horizontal communication often fails simply because of organizational members are unwilling to expend the additional effort that it requires and its wastage useful and valuable time of superiors which lead to low productivity.

·            Advantage of vertical communication | Disadvantage of vertical communication


Vertical communication occurs when information flows in vertical direction up to down and down to up within an organization. Thus, upward and downward communication together makes vertical communication. The merits or reasons of vertical communication are mentioned below:

  1. Bringing the people into the communication network: Vertical communication brings all the people working at various levels of an organization within the scope of communication.
  2. Informing organizational goals and plans: Vertical communication is the means of informing organization goals, plans, programs, policies etc. to the subordinates.
  3. Communicating directives of superiors: It also helps in communicating and implementing orders, instructions and advices of superiors.
  4. Conveying the message of subordinates: Through upward direction of vertical communication channels, subordinates can convey their suggestions, complaints, recommendations and opinions to their superiors.
  5. Motivating the subordinates: Through downward pattern of vertical communication, the superior can motivate their subordinates.
  6. Maintaining the chain of command: Established chain of command can be easily maintained through vertical communication. People at levels of the organization somehow come within the scope of vertical communication and communicate among them by following established chain of command.
  7. Assigning jobs a devaluating performance: Vertical communication facilitates job assignment and job evaluation in the most befitting manner. Through downward communication, superiors assign jobs to their subordinates and subordinates convey their feedback to their superiors through upward communication.
  8. Identifying the problems of subordinates: Upward pattern of vertical communication helps to know the employees attitudes and to identify their problems.
  9. Creating better relationship: Free and fair flow of information in vertical communication improves relationships between management and workers.
  10. Coordinating the efforts: Vertical communication facilitates bringing the efforts of all participants of an organization into a uniform line. As a result, organization can attain its goals.


Though organizations enjoy much advantage from vertical pattern of communication, it is not free from limitations. Its major drawbacks or limitations are listed below:

  1. Ineffective communication: In many cases, vertical communication becomes ineffective as the sender and the receiver differ in their respective positions or designations. Due to difference in the status or position of the communications, smooth flow of information is blocked and communication becomes ineffective.
  2. Delayed process: Vertical communication occurs through a series of steps from one level to the next. This causes delay in communication process.
  3. Reluctance of subordinates: Sometimes subordinates show reluctance to communicate with their respective superiors due to fear, distrust or threat. This creates communication gap between subordinates and superiors.
  4. Negligence of superiors: In some cases, the superiors become negligent to send message to this subordinates thinking that closeness with subordinates will hamper their status, dignity and importance. This attitude of the superiors creates barriers to effective vertical communication.
  5. Possibility of breaking the chain of command: Possibility of breaking the established chain of command is another burning drawback of vertical communication. In vertical communication, someone may communicate by ignoring the immediate subordinate or superior. This kind of communication will hamper the entire communication process in the organization.
  6. Authoritarian attitude of superiors: In many cases, downward pattern of vertical communication expresses the authoritarian tone of superiors that leads the communication in vein.
  7. Distortion of information: When vertical communication takes place through a long organizational hierarchy, information losses its original shape and becomes distorted.
Finally we can conclude that in spite of having the above mentioned drawbacks, organizations extensively rely on vertical communication. Therefore, the concerned parties of vertical communication should be sincere, efficient and careful enough in exchanging information among them.

·      Advantage and disadvantage of formal communication


  • Increase overall efficiency: This type of communication is used by following the predetermined rules so it increases the overall efficiency of the organization.
  • Easy communication system: The top level management communicates with their employees by using formal downward communication system. Again the employees communicate with their higher authority to use this system. It is very much easy to communicate with each other.
  • Permanent record: The copy of formal communication is always preserved in the file and it is used as reference. As a result, it is easy to seek the copy of it if necessary.
  • Quick accomplishment of work: Sometimes the rapid communication is to be needed with the employees. To use the formal downward communication system it is possible to communicate with the employees quickly. So the work may be done timely.
  • Maintenance of discipline: Under the formal communication system the workers are bound to be careful to their own duty. So ultimately it makes discipline in the organization.
  • Ease of cooperation and coordination: Cooperation and coordination is very much essential to carry out the business activity smoothly. Formal communication is a part of coordination. So, coordinated activities can be done properly and easily through formal communication.
  • Use as reference: Documents of the formal communication is recorded by the organization. So, these recorded documents are use as a source of the employees.
  • Ease of delegation of authority: Authority is delegated by the superiors to the subordinates through the help of this communication.
  • Free from mistakes: Since formal communication has a well defined rules and regulations. So, there is a little chance of mistakes in exchanging information within the employees.
  • Others: Increasing attention, reliability, accuracy, smooth communication system, free form distortion, easy to understand, increasing company goodwill etc.
Formal communication has many advantages, but it is not defective.


  • Wastage of time: Top level management communicates with their employees by maintaining the board of succession, not by-passing any executive or any level. That is why it takes a lot of time and it wastages much time of the concerned person.
  • Inflexibility: Ordinarily the formal communication is inflexible. If somebody out of the channel intends to change his views it is not possible. Even when it is needed to change, it is very much difficult.
  • Lack of initiative: Under this communication system everybody does their duty by following specific predetermined system. So it makes the obstacle to develop the creativeness of the employee.
  • Authoritarian attitude: In this system the sender is higher authority and the receiver is lower staffs. Generally the superior’s order cannot be disobeyed. It creates an authoritarian culture in the organization.
  • Lack of cordiality: In the formal communication system the subordinate staffs strictly follow the order of superior authority. So the implementer of the order does not obey their duty properly.
  • Costly: In this system the organization policy and rules are obeyed properly. Sometimes it creates crucial situation and it is a time being factor. For these, the cost of formal communication system is higher than those of others.
  • Others: Lack of personal relation, delay in decision making, not suitable for motivation, creates misunderstanding, create mental distance.

·      Advantage and disadvantage of grapevine or informal communication


The advantages of informal communication are given below:

  1. Interpret: The information is given by the top level management under the formal system. It is easy for the employees to take the explanation by informal system. So this system plays a vital role to complete the work properly.
  2. Present grievance: Under the informal system the employees disclose their needs, sentiment and their emotions to others authority without feeling any hesitation.
  3. Alternate system: The management sometimes does not able to reach all information by formal system. Informal system covers the gap or familiarity of formal system.
  4. Improved relationship: Any problem between the workers and the management can be solved by informal system. So it makes good relationships among the employees and the management.
  5. Increase efficiency: Under the informal system, the employees discuss their problem openly and they can solve it. For this, the work is done properly and it develops the efficiency of the employee.
  6. Providing recommendation: In this system the employees inform their superior about their demands, problem and the way to develop the implementation system of the work. As a result it creates an opportunity to send the recommendation to their management.
  7. Flexibility: Informal communication is more flexible than formal communication because it is free from all type of formalities.
  8. Rapid communicationInformal communication transmits very fast. Especially miss-information or rumor spread rapidly to others in the organization.
  9. Improve interpersonal relationship: Cooperation and coordination in informal communication leads to improve interpersonal relationship which is very much essential to carry out the business activity smoothly.
  10. Others: Improve labor management relationship. Free flow of information. Remove mental distance. Evaluation of employees. Obtain immediate feedback. Reliving frustration. Increasing efficiency. Solution of problems and helping decision-making. Enhance mutual trust etc.

The disadvantages of informal communication are as follows:

  1. Distort meaning: Something the meaning and the subject matter of the information is distorted in this system.
  2. Spread rumor: In this system, the miss-information or rumor spread rapidly. The original information may be transformed to wrong information.
  3. Misunderstanding: Under this system, generally, the employees do not obey the formal authorization system. So it creates the opportunity to develop misunderstanding.
  4. Maintaining secrecy is impossible: In informal communication system maximum communication is made by open discussion. So it is impossible to maintain the secrecy of the information.
  5. Difficulty in controlling: Under informal communication system no established rules or policy is obeyed. So it is very much difficult to control the information.
  6. Non-cooperation: Informal communication system sometimes develops the adversary culture among the employees. So they are not to be cooperative with each other and their efficiency may be reduced.
  7. Others: Providing partial information. Not reliable. No documentary evidence. Damaging discipline. Contradicting to formal information etc. (Advantage of vertical communication | Disadvantage of vertical communication)

·      Barriers to Effective Communication

·         There are many reasons why interpersonal communications may fail. In many communications, the message (what is said) may not be received exactly the way the sender intended. It is, therefore, important that the communicator seeks feedback to check that their message is clearly understood.
·         The skills of Active ListeningClarification and Reflection may help but the skilled communicator also needs to be aware of the barriers to effective communication and how to avoid or overcome them.
·         There are many barriers to communication and these may occur at any stage in the communication process. Barriers may lead to your message becoming distorted and you therefore risk wasting both time and/or money by causing confusion and misunderstanding. 
·         Effective communication involves overcoming these barriers and conveying a clear and concise message. 

·      Language Barriers to Communication

Definition of Language Barriers
Language is needed for any kind of communication, even people with speech impairments communicate with sign language and brail. Communication becomes difficult in situations where people don’t understand each others’ language. The inability to communicate using a language is known as language barrier to communication.
Language barriers are the most common communication barriers which cause misunderstandings and misinterpretations between people.
Most of the people in the world do not speak English or, even if they use, it is their second or third language. If the speaker and receiver do not use same language and words, there is no meaning to the communication. Not using the words that other person understands makes the communication ineffective and prevents message from being conveyed.

Causes of Language Barriers

Difference in Language
Difference in language is the most obvious barrier to communication as two people speaking two different languages cannot communicate with each other. For example, an American goes to China. The person does not understand Chinese and most people in China do not understand English. So, when the person speaks, the communication is worthless as the other Chinese person doesn’t understand it.

Regional Accents, Dialects and Pidgin
The accents and dialect (use of words) of people belonging to different places differs even if their language is same. Though the languages are technically the same in people using different dialects and accents, the meanings, implications and interpretations of words are different, which may lead to various kinds of conflicts.

For example, if a Scottish farmer talks to a person from London, they do not understand most of the words the other says even though they both speak English. The word ham and bacon can be used interchangeably in Scotland but they are different in England.
Similarly, pidgin is the simplified language used between people who do not speak common language. The implications of words and phrases can create misunderstandings.
For example, the abbreviation “LOL” used in chat language used to mean Lots of Love before, which changed to Laugh Out Loud. If a person says LOL, the second person can interpret the meaning in any way they want or from their understanding. People use both the abbreviations according to the context and need.

No Clear Speech
People who speak soft or in a small voice cannot be understood. The sender might be saying something whereas the receiver might understand something else. Though speaking common language, people might have difficulty understanding the meaning of the message and the feedbacks. This might also be a cause of obstacle in communication.

Use of Jargons and Slang
Jargons are the technical words used in communication. It might be different according to different professions, specialty and technical field of a person.
For example, technical words used by doctors and lawyers are extremely different. If they start talking, both of them will not get what the other is talking about.
Some jargons like adjournment (jargon used by lawyers and police used for delaying a trial for defendant), BP (medical jargon for Blood pressure), etc. are only used by people in similar profession which might be a cause for language barrier.
Similarly, the use of slang also makes communication ineffective. For example, the use of word “grass” to describe marijuana can act as a barrier for the people who do not know the slang meaning.

Word Choice
The choice of word used in describing anything must be considered before communicating. The words used by a particular person to show their agreement on something can be taken as sarcasm which is negative in nature.
Words with two meanings, homonyms, homographs, homophones should always be avoided as it doesn’t send the proper meaning and can be interpreted in any way. So, the message will not be sent as intended which acts as a type of language barrier in communication.

Literacy and Linguistic Ability
Some people have low vocabulary in a particular language whereas some very high. Though literacy and education increases the need to learn new words, it might not be the only reason. People can increase their vocabulary by reading and with their own interest too. Vocabulary is also less if a person uses the language as their unofficial language.
Likewise, linguistic ability is the capability of a person in a particular language. If a person with high vocabulary and linguistic ability talks with another with low ability, the second person will not understand the words used leading to miscommunication of whole message.

Grammar and Spelling

Grammar and spelling becomes a barrier in communication as people from different parts of the world can be using it differently even in a particular word. Similarly, grammar and spelling mistakes create a huge communication barrier in written communication.
For example, a person makes a mistake of typing done as don. The spelling and grammar checker of the computer does not label it as wrong as don is also a correct word. But, the word can change the whole meaning of the sentence or make the sentence not understandable.
These are some of the most common causes of language barriers in communication. There are many other causes too like language disabilities, noise, distance or use of metaphors or similes which can be included in other barriers like physiological and physical.
Some language barriers can be overcome with practice or other ways like translation, interpreter, language classes, visual methods, etc. whereas some barriers act as problems in a person’s whole life. These barriers must not be present to make the communication effective. (Language Barriers to Communication)

Works Cited

Advantage of vertical communication | Disadvantage of vertical communication. 20 January 2019 <>.

Language Barriers to Communication. 20 January 2019 <>.


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