Existentialism Blog Task

This blog is a part of my academic activity, Task given by Dr. Dilip Barad

Click here for the link of Task.

#What is Existentialism?

" A Philosophical theory or approach which emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will."

In simpler terms, existentialism is a philosophy concerned with finding self and the meaning of life           through free will, choice, and personal responsibly.

#pioneers of Existentialist philosophy

#Interpretation of the Videos:

#Video 1

It starts with the general definition of existentialism. Soren Kierkegaard is considered as pioneer of Existentialism. Jean-Paul Sartre, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Albert camus, Simone de Beauvoir all are known as the existentialist philosophers.they all have different belief about existentialism but they share same concept about it. They think about the human existence and mainly concerned with subject that is individual. we all are alone and unique piece in this world. they gave the concept of triangle of 'freedom, passions and individuality'. No one can escape from the sorrow and suffering of life. every life is full of pain. this theory talks about the burning issue of human life such as suicide, passions, emotions, anxiety,freedom,despair so it really affects the young generation.
In this video i am really impressed by the thought of "Philosophical suicide". if person believe in God then there is a philosophical suicide of individual because he accepts everything without reasoning. (What is Existentialism)

#Video 2

every life is full of adversity. therefore death can be the ultimate solution of life and absurdity of life. Many people commit suicide because they feel that their life is not worth living. there we find comparison with movie 'Stay'. it said that " An elegant suicide is the ultimate work of Art." Tramp or stranger are living without any profound purpose so for them Death can be mistress " Death is my Mistress". 
In this video i really influenced by the idea that is there logic to the point of death? Life is a gift for us given by someone. but this is a unexpected gift so we have all rights to end our life but there should be logical reason behind suicide. (Myth of Sisyphus)

#Video 3

In this video there is "myth of Sisyphus" given by Albert Camus. According to the Greek myth Sisyphus was punished for all eternity to roll a rock up a mountain only to have it roll back down the bottom when he reaches the top. Camus claims that Sisyphus is the ideal absurd hero. his punishment is the representation of human condition. Sisyphus can do such monotonous work because he habituated to such life.  sometimes human beings also  live same life everyday and find pleasure in it.
In this video i find it really very interesting that how Myth of Sisyphus represented the human life. (Philosophical suicide )

#Video 4

World war gave the rise to the term of "Dadaism", idea of change. It questions established notions and values. In this way it creates new path of living. it finds the way of becoming free from everything. Here there is opportunity for making your own values.there is example of 'R.Mutt' and it questions that 'is that really art?' 'if it is indeed art what kind of art is it?'. it questions your knowledge, no matter what the answers. but it will destroy all values you know.
In this video i really like the quote " The absurd doesn't frighten me, because from more elevated point of view i considered everything in life to be absurd." (Existentialism and Nihilism )

#video 5

Is existentialism a gloomy philosophy? 
Every life is full of  adversity, anxiety, despair, absurdity. But we are free to choose our own way of living. once we chose the things then we are responsible for it's consequences.Normally we find that people chose their own way of life but after that they tried to escape from it's result. this should not done by individual. Existentialism is differs from Nihilism. After world war 2 people's life became miserable and full of despair. Everyone tried to find the meaning of life. 
In this video i really like the one thing that we are responsible for our own choices in life. (Existentialism a gloomy philosophy)

#Video 6

There is a  misconception that Existentialism is Nihilism. But it is not that so because both share different concept of life. Existentialism believe in subjectivity while Nihilism believe in objectivity meaningless life. 

#Video 7 

After world war 2 existentialism became influential. All existentialist talk about 'problem of life' which tied them together. this theory questions some fundamental questions such as 'why am i here?', 'what does it mean to be human?', 'how should i live my life?'.Existentialist believe that we don't need 'divine perspective' but we need 'human perspective' to live. Albert Camus said that "Existence precedes essence". Great philosopher Aristotle believed that every substance has it's own essence. and our essence gives us defining feature as a human. Believer in God believes that God has created essence for human. but Sartre believed that we can make our essence by choosing the things. 
In this video the thought i like most is that we can make our own unique essence. (Introduction to Existentialism) 

#Video 8

 Friedrich Nietzsche gave the theory of "Ubermensche" it means man as a superman. He believed that "God is dead". When human beings start in believing that there is no God then they become free of doing anything they want or  desire. they no more believe in established rules and regulation but create new rules. 
In this video i really like the thought that man can do anything that is 'Ubermensche'. (Explain like i'm five Existentialism and Friedrich Nietzsche)

#Video 9 

It's way of life is it's deeper side. it affects our mind, heart and soul. it helps to understand life in more profound way. existentialism talks very freely about the dark side of life such as anxiety, death and despair. It makes us ready toideo  accept good as well as bad side of life. it affects to think about everyday life. it helps us to understand things as laughing child or flower. Suffering is something which life asking us to experience. we learn more thing from suffering. Existentialism teaches us that suffering is not our enemy. We can live life with more color and passions. 
This video teaches us ten things to live life very deeply which i like most. 
(10) Start questioning
(9) Start relating the big picture
(8) Learn from difficult experience
(7) See how free you can be
(6) Learn to live with passions
(5) Power in life
(4) Inhabit the present movement
(3) Recover the ability to play
(2) Build responsible community
(1) Remember that you are born to a brilliant and terrifying universe (Why i like existentialism)

#Video 10

All over life we seek for meaning of life, through our work, job, responsibility etc. But we can say that none of them can give meaning to the life. Aristotle believed that you are born to a certain thing. We can figure out own essence. We can set our path to follow. There is no meaning of life but meaning is given by us to our life. We are responsible for our work and decision, only we can give reason to our choice. 
In this video i like the idea that only we can give reason to our choice. or we can say that there is no reason for choice because choice is just a choice. (Existentialism: Crash course philosophy)

Question 2 : 

Video no.8 i like the most because it gives the idea of "Ubermensche". It means man can do anything he wants. if our will power is strong than none can restrict us to achieve our goal. only required thing is the confident in self. that  i am capable of doing anything.   

#My interpretation of Existentialism 

This universe is very large. We are tiny part of this universe. and it does not get affected by our actions and deeds. it doesn't care for us. Universe will remain as it is weather we do anything for it or not. There is different between what we expect from it and what we find in it. 

Either people believe in God or they find life as meaningless. once we find it meaningless then we start thinking that does it mean that 'life is not worth living?'. So some people may committed suicide but we can give our own unique meaning to life rather than committing suicide. 

Unlike Rene Descartes, who believed in the primacy of consciousness, existentialist asserts that Human being is "thrown into" a concrete, inveterate Universe. We don't know that weather it is our choice or not to be human, to be Hindu or Muslim, Man or Woman. Sometimes we can choose something but sometimes we remain choice less. Here we find Choice v/s choicelessness. 

Albert Camus said that "Existence precedes essence". We are indifferent to material things such as chair,fen or any material thing. the essence of material things are predetermined so they act accordingly. But the essence of human can not predetermined. therefore we are creator of meaning of our life. as a human being we are free to make choices. But after that we are responsible of consequences that may arrive as a result of our choices. Generally what happened is that people make their choices but they try to escape from it's result. Existentialism is not an escapism. 

Existentialism is not a Nihilism. Nihilism denies that there is ultimate meaning of life. it completely believe in objectivity. while existentialism believe in subjectivity. in a way this not a pessimistic idea but optimistic idea by giving subjectivity or hope to individual's life. 

It does not believe in " Karmic philosophy". It does not believe in God as divine power, but it believes in self. Some existentialist are believer also, so they argue that there is God as divinity. but He will not do anything for you. But we have to do work for our existence. 

According to existentialism one should live with passions. we are the creator our "own work of Art". we can give variety of colors to our Universe. 

Life is full of adversity, there can not be a best teacher rather than your sorrow and sufferings. one can learn new things only through pain and grief. therefore we become habituated to sorrows and suffering.

Like a Greek myth of Sisyphus human life is also monotonous in such a way that we go on doing the same cycle of work and then we become habituated, connected deeply with it and find happiness in absurd work. for example the life of 'Housewife'. she has to do same work everyday, care for husband and children, all household work. slowly and steadily she habituated in such a way that she feels happiness in it. 

Same concept we can apply for feminism. Women are exploit and harassed by society. but some of them don't even know they are exploited. they become habituated and they start enjoying the condition. Some Human relations are also absurd.in a sense that at the end they will gain nothing but yet go on doing the absurd things.Everyone is different  by choosing their own choice. so we should respect one another's choice.  

As Sartre put it " At first man is nothing, only afterword will he be something. he himself will have made what he will be." It reminds me the famous poem by Robert Frost "The Road not taken".    

It may be said that if everyone starts behaving like existentialist, without caring for consequences then there may be chaos in society. But individual should decide which situation should be count as moral or immoral.  We set our own standards of morality. Personal experience is essential in arriving at the truth. so the judgement of situation by someone involved in that situation is superior to that of a detached, objective observer.   

Works Cited

Explain like i'm five Existentialism and Friedrich Nietzsche. 18 March 2013.
"Existentialism a gloomy philosophy." 4 April 2013.
"Existentialism and Nihilism ." 17 April 2013.
"Existentialism: Crash course philosophy." 6 june 2016.
"Introduction to Existentialism." 17 November 2012.
"Myth of Sisyphus." Myth of Sisyphus. 13 may 2013.
"Philosophical suicide ." Myth of Sisyphus (Philosophical suicide). 2013 october 2013.
"What is Existentialism." 1 May 2013.
"Why i like existentialism." 8 may 2015.


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