Super 30

Super 30 is amazing movie which portrays the pathetic condition of poor people to get the education.

1. Struggle for survival

Initially struggle of poor people is depicted that how it’s very difficult for poor people to get the education. It shows the real picture of society in which lot many brilliant students are living but just because of lack of opportunity  they can’t prove themselves. They are unable to take admission in good organization because of lack of money.

2. Education is the best business

In recent time education becomes the best business for some people. Ethics of education are forgotten slowly and steadily. Money is only aim of life for some people. They are making money out of education. And initially Anand Kumar was attracted towards the power and pissa.

3. Ab Raja ka beta Raja Nahi Banega

“Ab Raja ka beta Raja Nahi Banega, Raja vahi Banega Jo hakdar Hoga” This is very attractive line in movie. But question is “What is the requirement of Raja as we are living in democratic nation ?” But, it shows the mindset of poor people that slavery is internalised within themselves. As a result they can’t be free from that thoughts. And once they will come to power they will behave same as master as Anand Kumar did intially to the poor people. This reminds me the pair of lucky and pozzo from waiting for Godot by samuel Beckett. Where slave could not make himself free even after the disability of master. In the same way people living in the democratic nation are having this kind of mentality.

4. Opportunity for poor children

Anand Kumar provides learning opportunities to the poor children. He gave the best education to students which he was unable to get. When money is not at all the problem everything can be stable and equal.

5. Ask Questions

“Question is the mother of knowledge”. Teacher teaches students to ask questions as it was taught to us by Barad Sir. He taught what to see, how to see, what to think, how to think. Students look for solutions everywhere. Questions must be raised by students. It’s very melodious song “Tu banja chalta firta question mark”.

6. Overpowering English

Film portrayed the dominance of English language. Some people have to face insult just because of this language. Moreover film speaks about the love for our National language.

7. Practical knowledge

Anand Kumar taught not only syllabus but also taught how to apply that knowledge into real life. As Barad Sir taught “How to connect the dots”. Real life knowledge was provided to the students in the film. In that way information became the knowledge at the end of the movie.

8. Post- Colonialism

Now, India is independent country still some people are colonized by our own people. Movie speaks about this reality. Poor people has to face lot many adversity in order to survive.

9. Class Conflict 

Burning issue of India 'Class Conflict' has depicted very well in the film. Difference between ”Haves and Have nots” is clearly visible. Poor children have to face several problems as they belong to the lower class.

10. Hard work  Results into Success

At the end of the movie students and Anand Kumar got the success as all 30 students passed out in IIT exam. Therefore the title of the movie is very apt “Super 30”.

This is really fantastic biopic.


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