Video Blog Task
Task given by Dr. Dilip Barad.
# Video: 1
Ken Robinson highly criticized the
public education system In the first video. Public education was reformed on
the base of two ideas, that are Economic and cultural. First purpose of public
education is to make students economically better. Second aim is to transfer
great heritage of culture. Thus, students can recognize their cultural
identity. Current education system was formed in ancient time, so it will not
be useful to the students in future. It has brought chaos in the lives of most
of the people. Only few people are benefited from this system. Our present
education system runs on the model of factory. Ringing bells, classification of
classrooms etc. where students are not allowed to enter in other classes, even
though they have the mental capacity far ahead than his class. Students should
be given liberty to educate themselves from any school, class or university. Online
courses give that scope to students; they can enroll in any class from any
university. They can learn from various universities at the same time. “Divergent
Thinking” is the most essential capacity of creativity. We can say that
divergent thinking is the mother of creativity. According to Ken Robinson
public education system kills the divergent thinking. Limited scope is provided
to collaboration in traditional schooling. Digital schooling will satisfy all
these needs and requirements, which is most essential for students’ progress. The end result of our pubic schooling is like below image,
# Video: 2, 3
Sugata Mitra starts his talk by
exploring the idea of “New school”. He provides the history of present day
schooling. Our present education system comes from British Empire. Victorians
produced students who can write, read and good at arithmetic. So they can be
beneficial to their work. He compares school with machine in this way he makes
the satire on Education system. Our traditional education system is unable to
give jobs to the students in future. Sugata Mitra experimented one unique thing
with the poor children of Delhi, which he calls “ Hole in the Wall” in 1999. He
put computer for children who were completely unaware about this machine. But
surprisingly they did self-learning and also started learning English in order
to run computer. Self-learning is most essential part of learning, which
enables learners to do novel thing. They taught one another. Children of 21st
century become habituated with mobile and computers, but when they go to school
they have to deal with books. So it sounds boring according to them. Neuroscience
provided evidence that the Reptilian part of brain shuts everything if he
confronts threats. Exam and test all act
as threats, which kills the creativity. Then he took the help of Grandmother of
England to teach the children of India. He calls it “Granny in the cloud”. He
gaves the term “SOLE” that is self organized learning environment. Teacher just
have to set environment of learning then he has to play the role of observer.
Knowledge can be acquired only through self-learning. In which Broadband,
collaboration and admiration play a vital role. His wish is to build “ School
in the Cloud”. Where students can learn and also teach one another. Definitely
time will come when tradition school will replace by virtual school.
Most of the schools suffer from the
inadequacy of teachers and sometimes teacher may not dedicated to job because
of several reasons. But computer will work with the complete dedication
wherever it is. If teacher put his children with only questions and materials
then they are able to learn by themselves. Collaboration and group work is key
point in this process. Student alone can not work out for longer period of
time, he may get bore and he lives the thing. But in group activity they teach
one another. Generally Adult people have
the wrong perception about using mobile phone by children and youngsters. They
feel that they are chatting all the time. At that time it is very difficult to
explain them that our all the materials come through mobile only. Because this
the age of mobile and laptop. Our examination lasted for past thousands years.
It doesn’t change. Many time students are talking with each other that it would
be blessing for us if there is no any exam at the end of the year. He has done
research on this topic in various countries and he collected interesting data
and based on that he wants to build Schools in the cloud.
#Video 4:
Salman Khan one Indian young man
founded “Khan Academy” for education. It is constructed on the idea of flipped
learning. Initially he made video for his cousin to help him in sorting out his
quarries. He posted that video on youtube
and slowly and steadily he received feedback from not only his cousins
but also from other students. So he started posting videos on youtube on
various subjects so students can access that from anywhere. He gave advantages
of flipped classroom. With the help of this model of learning students can do
self-evaluation. They can learn as their own pace. They can watch video twice and thrice and
also pause it whenever they want in between. They will come with the
preparation in the classroom, so class time can be given to discussion. It enhances
humanity values in the classroom. In tradition classroom most of the time
teacher remains busy in delivering the lecture so he may not be able to give
time to the students. But in flipped classroom teacher sits near the students
and acts as facilitator. Flipped learning develops collaboration and peer
learning. Students can learn from their
fellow classmates. ‘Khan Academy” is doing good job for integration of
technology in the classroom.
# Video: 5
Our students have changed radically.
Today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was designed
to teach. 21st century has the rapid change and development in the field of technology. Those children
who born in this century they are known as “Digital Natives”. Those who born in
20th century they are known as “Digital immigrants”. Lives of digital natives are surrounded by computers,
video games, digital music players, video cams, cell phones, and all the other
toys and tools of the digital age. They
are different from their predecessor not only in clothes and test of food but
also in language and technology. Technology has became the integral part of
their lives. If the digital immigrants want to teach digital native then he has
to adapt the new change of era. Most of the time digital immigrants are
complaining about the students that they are not paying attention in the class,
perhaps they choose not to give attention. Because it does not sustain their
attention. Digital immigrants are of the opinion that there should not be fun
in the classroom, but digital natives think that there should be fun,
discussion, interaction in the class. Digital immigrants have to bring change
in two things that are (1) Methodology and (2) Content. They have to adapt new methodology to teach,
in which they have to include computers, projectors, videos, internet,
discussion, interaction etc. The second thing is that they have to change the
content. There are two types of content (1) Legacy content and (2) future
content. Legacy content includes LSRW skills, arithmetic, geography etc. Future
content involves technology. Digital immigrants are speaking the language which
is completely out dated; they have to acquire new language. If digital
immigrants want survive themselves in digital world then they should change
# Video: 6, 7, 8
David Crystal, Linguistic is
addressing young generation by giving the history of Internet, facebook,
twitter, blog, printing, press and blog. Digital natives are using new language
in their text messages and chatting, it is the new phase of English language.
He is of the opinion that “Text messages are good for English language”. Many thinkers are of the opinion that
technology has distorted the pure form of English language. But according to
David it is not so. Text messages are never full abbreviations. It contains
only 10% of message. Our present examination system is very much conservative
about Standard English and it will accept only correct English. But our
students are very much intelligent, they will never use text language in exam
because they know it very well that it will decrease his marks. Internet has
made the world one little village. Earlier one new invented word took long time
to reach to the people, but now it can be popular within one day with the use
of technology. Initially there was only one Standard English that British
English. But today we find a wide variety of English such as American English,
Indian English, South African English, Nigerian English etc. So there is no any
kind of “Correct English” in this world. Indian people are habituated in using
English. Language is the most complex thing in the world which includes so many
components within itself. They use it as
most frequent tool for conversation. Today it is very easy for teacher to teach
any language, you just have to type the word and Google will provide you end
number of information.
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