Derrida and Deconstruction
Derrida and Deconstruction:
Matthew Arnold in his essay 'Culture and Anarchy' could not define what is culture after his long journey in the vast field of culture. in the same way Derrida could not define this term at the end. He gave us theory of deconstruction but he himself was not able to define this term. so it is very difficult to define the theory of deconstruction for the readers.
Deconstruction ask the question to the 'origin of origin' in this way it applies the new historicism. It deconstruct the binary opposition. and try to make equality between them. it based upon 'Distinction' to differentiate is an effort to find out causes, condition in the base or foundation of philosophical term. it questions fundamental things and there new idea new vision came into existence.
"Language bears within itself the necessity of it's own critique"
we can find a number of examples in movie, t.v serials and advertisement for the deconstruction.
Here i would like to Deconstruct the image given below.
Here we find the problem with the Gate of liberty. when we consider our country at that time on the one side we talk about freedom, liberty, globalization etc. and on the other side we ban the products from china. we refuse to buy china products from shopkeeper. but our government does not stop big company to import chines goods. and in a way we find inequality with china. if the country is able then make products which defeat chines products in market.
Deconstruction happens in this way because,
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