Online Discussion

“Fiction and Lies” Fiction and lie both are interwoven. Essential part of fiction is ‘Imagination’. Fiction includes wide range of imaginative beauty, which gives extraordinary look to any piece of Art. At the same time it is truth that imagination cannot survive without lies. Therefore Fiction will have lies within itself. Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Herman Melville, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Dostoyevsky are but a few of the great authors who have used lies and liars as keys to their writing. William Shakespeare was the greatest writer who ever lived. In his play ‘Othello’, he created arguably the greatest liar in the history of literature. Iago is a prime example of someone who lies to punish. What motivates Iago to lie is lack of promotion.he decides to revenge himself by lying about Othello's wife, Desdemona, insinuating that she is having an affair with the lieutenant who has Iago's desired position. As a result Othello kills Desdemona even if she was i...